As my students would say, "Epic fail."
There was crying; there was spitting up.
Even the forbidden package of wipes was no consolation.
It's Wednesday and the countdown has begun. Later today, we'll go the US Consulate and swear. We're not exactly sure what we're going to swear to do or not do - but whatever the case, it'll be one of the last steps we'll take in order to get Maryn's visa to come home to the US.
Our stay in Guangzhou has been good, but exhaustingly hot and muggy. It's basically like Kentucky in late July. We still try to go adventuring - today we rode the subway to see a Buddhist temple - but between the backpack and the 15-pound baby, we're soon a bunch of sweaty Americans traipsing along in search of a cold Coke Zero, surrounded by the svelte, cool Chinese. Maryn likes the carrier and almost always goes to sleep promptly and deeply when she's in it. In fact, she likes it so much that she's beginning to have some minor sleep issues when she's not in it! In fact, she just woke up after only 10 minutes of napping in her crib. It just doesn't measure up to bouncing around in 9o degree temperatures on Mom or Dad's hot tummy.
We've stayed well, with the exception of Carlyn's mild cold that's gone now. For Andy and me, this is the first of four trips to China with no illnesses. Maryn has been exceptionally hearty. Now I'm sure I've jinxed it.
Tomorrow we'll pack up and depart on Saturday morning for Hong Kong. From there, it's United to Chicago and home to beautiful Bluegrass Airport by 6:21 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on the same day we left!
We never figured out which couch was "the red couch" so we missed this whole drama. The tranquility shot is lovely.
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